Timing Intercourse

timing intercourse

When you are trying to conceive and doing your research on the subject, you will often come across the phrases “well-timed intercourse” or “timed intercourse.” The two statements mean the same thing, but what do they actually mean?

Well-timed intercourse simply refers to having sex at the optimal time to achieve a pregnancy.

The Importance of Timing Intercourse

Contrary to popular belief, that does not mean every day. Sperm counts go down when there is an increased frequency of ejaculation. Plus, turning sex into “work” at that level of intensity puts pressure on you as a couple, both physically and emotionally.

How to Ensure Well-Timed Intercourse

Here are the steps to ensure you are having well-timed intercourse while trying to conceive:

Tracking Ovulation

Determine the days you are most likely to be ovulating. To determine when you are ovulating, you can chart your periods. You are most fertile about halfway through your cycle. That means if you have a 28 day cycle, you are most fertile on days 13 through 15 (day one is the first day of your last period). If you have an irregular period or you do not have periods, it may be difficult to track your ovulation, so it would be recommended to see a physician sooner. Keep in mind, different factors can affect ovulation. It’s not an exact science, but it will help maximize your chances of having intercourse when there is a mature egg present.

Frequency of Intercourse

Make sure you are having sex at least every other day during ovulation. An ovum (egg) survives only about 12 to 24 hours, but sperm can live for three to five days. That means there is about a five to seven day window to focus on. It is recommended to begin having sex at least every other day from five days before ovulation to one day after. Do this, and you can be sure you are having “well-timed” intercourse.

Next Steps if Conception is Delayed

Well-timed intercourse is often the first step taken when couples suspect infertility. If you have been having well-timed intercourse for six months to a year without conceiving, see a fertility specialist. There may be other factors interfering with conception that require medical treatment.

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